
Winter Bird Feeding: December to February  

We are now into the Winter season. What can our wild birds expect in the months ahead?  Young hatchlings are flourishing now.  However prolonged wet spells in many locations can spell horror for all wild birds, especially young birds. 

Fortunately, there are many more survivors this year.  They’ll be under pressure to find nutritious foods to build up their body strength and maintain their weight, but this creates more competition for what is available naturally.  Temporarily out of sight, our small wild birds have been feverishly feeding on nature’s bounty.  The early hatches in the year will have developed well, but later ones will find it more difficult to survive the coming cold and wet, with prolonged wet spell draining their resilience.  Without our help, many small young birds will struggle to survive.

They need shelter and regular supplies of nutritious food specifically designed to meet their needs. High energy mixes are essential, like Robin and Songbird, Supreme High Energy, Premium and All Seasons, fed along with our Winter food and our other wild bird mixes.  Also, a few straights like Sunflower Hearts and Peanuts are good this time of year.  

Want to speak to our team? Call 01243 784171 or email